Happy Children’s Art Week!
Between Monday 28th June – Friday 2nd July children across the UK in schools and nurseries will participate in Art Week!
It’s a whole week dedicated to celebrating and highlighting creativity of all forms. Whether that is performance, painting, drawing, sculpting or any other form of art!
Throughout this week we will be publishing a wide range of activity ideas so you can also get involved with your little one at home – stay tuned!
So, it seems like a fun week, filled with a wide variety of activities, but did you know creativity is actually very important to your child’s development?
Creative play develops pre-schooler confidence, language, physical and thinking skills, imagination and emotional understanding.
Pre-school years are one of the most creative times in a child’s life. While your little one’s imagination is still developing drama, music, dance, arts and crafts can:
· Foster creativity,
· Build confidence,
· Help develop expression of feelings and communication skills,
· Help develop coordination and motor skills,
· Give your child a chance to practice decision making, problem solving and critical thinking,
· Give your child new perspectives.
Learning these skills early will give your little one a head start before starting school, allowing them to face problems and tasks head-on!
So, to encourage creativity and raise awareness this week we have created an online gallery – all created by your little ones! Check it out by clicking here!
Or want to get involved? You can submit your little one’s artwork to be featured! Click here!
Thanks for reading. Now why not check out more information about our locations by clicking here!
There you will be able to find loads of handy information such as fees, photos and even virtual tours!